Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Don’t Take “No” For An Answer

People have been programmed from infancy to dread the word “No”. I’ve never met a salesperson that didn’t quiver and shake at the sound of “No”. I’ve known salespeople who have quit their profession over the persistent exclamation, “No”. The most painful of all two-letter words, (there are one hundred and twelve, bye-the-way), none rival “No” for its absolute fear factor. I can’t think a profession so rampant with the word “No”. Most people never recover from being traumatized by the word as children. My own children knew the meaning of and could speak the word “No” before any other word. They heard it said so often, they called everything “No”.

In sales there are two words that should be equally welcomed by salespeople; the forever sought after “Yes” and the universally loathed “No”. For some reason salespeople seem to be comfortable with “Maybe”, the biggest deception in the entire English language. The common interpretation suggests that it isn’t “No” so it must be all right. Nothing could be further from the truth. Maybe just hangs out there in limbo, you can’t do anything with a maybe, there is not resolution. You assume that there will be something forthcoming but nothing ever materializes and you are left paralyzed for resolution.

“No”, on the other hand can be resolved, a critical point that most salespeople overlook. They hear the word “No” and everything seems to shut down. It’s over, final, no opportunity here, they hate me, I’m a failure, and why did I ever get into sales? “No” has many meanings, most of which salespeople never considers once they hear the dreaded word. Some of the meanings of “No” are: I’m busy, I don’t think I need your product, I’ve talked to enough salespeople today, I have concerns, It’s not the right time, I don’t know or trust you, I’m not willing to take the time to learn the value of your product, I had a fight with my spouse, things aren’t going my way right now, I’ve never heard of your company, I’m just on my way out the door, I’m not the decision maker, and dozens more. The majority of the time, “No” doesn’t mean I’m not going to buy from you. In fact, “No” means I’m not going to buy from you only 16% of the time.

Do you realize that 84% of people say “No” before they eventually say yes in a sales situation. Think of all the sales you have lost by turning on your heals at the sound of the word “No”. Salespeople are so focused on listening for a yes that they totally discount the value of the “No” response. They silently cheer with a yes and welcome a “maybe” because it isn’t a “No”. And yet, the vast majority of all people who buy said “No” before they said yes. Here is the lesson that every sales person should take to heart. Even those salespeople who have left the profession for fear of the dreaded word “No”. The word “No” is a conditioned response, one that flows easily from the tongue requiring very little time or thought. It’s easy, lazy and for generations has thwarted off the persistent hoards of salespeople. However, the few salespeople who know the secret power of “No” make the majority of all the sales.

Every “No” deserves an explanation and if you will ask at the appropriate time in the appropriate way you will be given an explanation. You need to politely ask if there would be a better time. If time is not the issue you might ask if there is a specific reason for the “No” response. Ask if the “No” response is to everything or to just a part of what you said. You might suggest that it is your fault for not clearly explaining the product. You could also suggest that if you better understood their specific situation you could better present your product as a solution, maybe even one they hadn’t considered. Keep the dialogue flowing and provoke their interest. Discover their concerns and objections and then seek to resolve them. Some concerns can’t be resolved quickly so suggest that you will respond within the next day or so. People don’t buy if they have concerns or objections and they believe that whatever objections they may have can’t be resolved. Your persistence to discover and show the prospect a resolution to their concerns will turn “No” responses into a yes. A “No” can be just as positive as a yes if you will spend the time to resolve the buyers concerns.
Remember and never forget: