Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ninety-Nine Sure Fire Ways To Close A Sale

Just kidding, I don’t really know ninety-nine ways to close a sale. I couldn’t even remember ninety-nine ways to close a sale. I was hoping to capture your attention with that absurd statement. I’ve done some research and discovered an author that know 50 ways to close a sale and one who teaches 7 ways to close a sale and one who explained 25 ways to close a sale. I’ve been selling for thirty-three years, not counting peddling eggs when I was seven years old and hawking home-made root beer when I was twelve. There are several principles and skills that are used by salespeople to close a sale, but to my knowledge, there is only one sure way to close a sale.

My statement, “only one sure way to close a sale” doesn’t mean that sales won’t be closed in different ways or for other reasons. What I am saying is that more sales will be closed more consistently using the method I’m going to explain, than any other way. Keep in mind that selling is not an event, but rather a process, so there are several principles and skills that are applied in the process of successfully closing a sale.

Several years ago, I worked with a man who claimed he was born with the secret talent necessary for closing more sales. He claimed the secret was the “gift of gab.” If he had evaluated the reason for his sales success he would have realized that he was only selling to people with whom he had a relationship. He sold in the Southern States to his “good ole boy network.” John was successful to the extent that he built relationships, not because he was born with the gift of gab.

My good friend Bill was an excellent salesperson. His secret was his photographic memory. Bill could remember every comment and statement made by the prospect and earned their respect based on knowing what they had said. He never forgot a name and a face, even if years had passed from the time he first met someone. Bill’s brilliance was not the reason for his sales success, but the principle of remembering names and events contributed to his “better than average” performance.

Another associate of mine, Bill Jazalitis, was recognized by his peers, customers and prospects, as the most technically astute sales person in the industry. Bill had forgotten more technical knowledge than I had ever learned. He believed that his sales success was totally attributed to his technical knowledge. Truth be known, Bill lost as many sales due to his knowledge as he ever closed. Knowledge is a vital element in closing sales, but without applying other supporting principles, it will never make a top salesperson.

Jeff was one of the hardest working sales people I have ever met. He never worked fewer than ten hours per day. Every day he gave his total effort to selling. He would generate more quotes than anyone else in the company. He rarely missed an opportunity to bid. He would work and bid and while he was waiting for replies to his bids, he would bid some more. Finding, bidding, waiting, finding, bidding, waiting was his daily grind. Hats off to Jeff, one of the hardest working salespeople anywhere. He had been taught that working hard brought sales. Working hard will bring sales, hard work is a correct principle, but working hard and smart will double your sales.

What then is the one sure way to close a sale? Let me give you an outline by listing several principles that need to be applied during the sales process and then you can determine how best to apply them. All of these principles are important so don’t shortcut the process. The order of the principles listed is also critical, so keep them in order. This process assumes that you will (a) work hard at sales and that you will (b) follow-up consistently. Here are the basic principles, that when followed, will constitute the one sure method of closing the sale. Closing a sale is a process:

1. Prospect every day.
2. Build rapport and sell yourself.
3. Assess the prospects needs (really listen).
4. Present your product as a solution to their need (be honest and specific).
5. Ask for and resolve their concerns (all of them).
6. Ask for the sale.

(a) people buy from people they believe, like and trust
(b) people typically only buy when they have a need
(c) people don’t buy if they have unresolved concerns
(d) Never assume, always ask for the sale!