Monday, March 3, 2008

Current Customers Are The Answer To Increasing Sales

Current clients are the very best source of new sales opportunities. Always be looking for new opportunities within your current customer base. Remind them of the good solutions you have provided them in solving their problems and then ask if there is anything else you can help them with. Set a goal to find one new sales opportunity each day with one of your customers. By the end of the month you will have found twenty new opportunities just from existing customers!

The next best source of finding new sales is through referrals from happy, satisfied customers. Ask your customers for their help. Let them know that you want to grow your business and they can help through giving you referrals. Again, set a goal to ask for and receive one referral each day. This may require planning in advance who to ask. It may also require asking several satisfied customers before you find one willing to give you a referral. Give them very specific ideas of what a good referral looks like. Make it easy for them and they will respond in a positive manner.

Follow this sales tip and you will double your sales with very little additional effort. Let your happy, satisfied customers help you be the best sales person you can possibly be.